Radius Global Solutions is a debt-collection service that works with lenders and creditors to help collect past-due debts. If it appears on your credit report, you likely have a delinquent account and have refused to accept calls from your lender.
However, in some cases, Radius Global Solutions could show up on your account because the credit agency made a mistake and reported incorrect information.
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What to Do if You See Radius Global Solutions on Your Credit Report
If Radius Global Solutions is on your credit report, you will need to address the situation. Refusing to pay collections means that the agency will call you repeatedly, leave negative marks on your credit report (dropping your credit score further), and possibly sue or repossess your property.
Here’s what you need to do if you see Radius Global Solutions on your credit report.
Verify That It Is Legitimate
When a collections agency appears on your credit report or attempts to contact you, your first step is to verify that the debt collection agency and their claim are legitimate. In some cases, a debt collection agency will appear on your account due to identity theft or an error by the debt collector.
Verify the legitimacy of the claim by disputing it within 30 days of receiving the information. You can do this by submitting a letter to the collector essentially saying, “Prove that I owe this debt.” You can find multiple letter templates to ensure you include all the necessary information.
The collector cannot contact you again until they send you documents that prove that you owe the debt. If they can’t prove it (because it was a mistake), the claim is removed from your report.
You should also verify that the collection agency is legitimate. Radius Global Solutions is a legitimate company that was founded in 1982, headquartered in Edina, MN.
Pay It Off
Your first option to deal with Radius Global Solutions is to pay off the debt once they verify it. You can negotiate payments with a debt collection agency and only pay partial, or you can negotiate a new contract to pay a portion of the debt monthly.
If you negotiate a new deal, create a debt payment plan to help you stay on track.
Often, debt collection agencies will accept a partial payment before deciding to take the case to court. If you’re unable to pay off the entire debt, consider negotiating rather than avoiding Radius Global Solutions’ attempts to contact you.
Speak With a Credit Counselor
Even after you pay off your debt, the collections agency can remain on your account for up to seven years and will likely leave a dent in your credit score. You should consider speaking with a credit counselor to help repair your credit score.
A credit counseling agency is a nonprofit organization that offers free consultations to help you learn to improve your credit. They will give you free resources and help you build a debt management plan to repay your debts on time in the future.
Credit counseling agencies are different from credit repair companies. While credit counselors focus on educational materials to help you learn to improve your credit, credit repair companies will charge per-hour or per-month fees to take a closer look at your credit score.
Radius Global Solutions Phone Number
If you need to reach Radius Global Solutions by phone to confirm the mark on your credit report or make plans to pay off your debt, you can call them at 855-577-2276.
How to Remove Radius Global Solutions From Your Credit Report
After dealing with Radius Global Solutions, it is possible to remove the collections agency from your account and prevent it from affecting your credit score. Here are four ways to remove collection agencies from your account.
Ask for a Goodwill Deletion
In a best-case scenario, you can request a goodwill deletion. Creditors will only consider removing the account if you are in good standing with the creditor, meaning you will need to promptly pay off the debt.
Creditors don’t always approve goodwill deletions. To request one, send a letter explaining why you need it deleted (it’s stopping you from receiving a loan), and explain that you made the payments on time. If the creditor is willing, they may remove the account.
Dispute Inaccuracies
The credit bureaus are required to delete any entries that contain inaccurate information. You should read your credit report carefully to check that everything listed is completely accurate.
A misspelling or incorrect account number will be enough to remove the entry from your credit report. If you find an error, file a dispute with the credit bureaus.
Pay for Deletion
Another option is to pay for deletion. If you haven’t yet paid the debt, you can negotiate payment in exchange for deletion. Send a letter to your collector and ask to pay your account if they will remove their mark from your credit report.
You will need proof that the creditor agreed to remove the account. If they don’t remove the account after you pay, you can file a dispute with the bureaus.
Hire a Credit Repair Company
Your final option is to hire a credit repair company. Credit repair companies will read through the fine details of your credit report and look for items that can be disputed. They might find small ways to improve your credit score and remove the collection agency from your credit report.
Will Radius Global Solutions Sue Me?
It’s unlikely that Radius Global Solutions will sue you. Taking a case to court requires more resources than your debt is worth. However, some instances could provoke them to sue you.
Unpaid debts could provoke a civil lawsuit if you tell Radius Global Solutions to stop contacting you before you pay your debt. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act states that debt collectors cannot continue to contact you if you send a letter telling them to stop. However, this doesn’t get rid of the debt.
If you prohibit them from contacting you, Radius Global Solutions will have no other way to collect your debt and may sue you.
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